Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Markdown!

It is the first Monday of summer vacation for me and I am linking up with

For the entire week each blogger chooses one product to markdown- many up to 50% off!
Be sure to click the picture above to find links to all the featured products!

This week I chose my popular editable bulletin board set:

Here are just a few things you can do with this set: 

And it has many versions of the banners so that you can make it work best for what you need:

It is on sale for 50% off- only $2.50!

It can be used throughout the year and if you get a new student you don't have to worry about finding more pieces- it will always be in your 'My Purchases' so you can easily print out for anyone new!

Use it year after year- and if you switch grade levels or content specialty area, you don't have to worry about buying again!  Go back in, edit as needed and print!  
Refresh an old set at any time!

Print on photo paper for a glossy 'poster' effect!  You can even save everything you make onto a USB and bring it to a copy shop (Staples, OfficeMax, etc) for a professional looking set!

Find more editable bulletin board sets and desk plate/label sets in my

 Take a look in the category and leave me a comment as to what product you'd love to see in a future 'Markdown Monday!'

Until next post,
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