Monday, July 7, 2014

Markdown Monday- Week of July 7th!

I am coming off of a wonderful holiday weekend and am ready for...

This week I am offering my Interactive Notebook A to Z set for 40% off!
(and be sure to read to the bottom of the post for another product that is marked down!)

Last year was the first year I used interactive notebooks with my kindergarteners and all I can say is WOW!  I have a blog post about using them that you can find here!

You can find a FREE SAMPLE of my A to Z set (for letter Aa) here:

They LOVED them...and as the year went on they became more and more independent with them!
Here is one of my students working with the 'Aa' components!  
You can find all of this: 
for each letter in the pack (and for Aa you can get it for free in the sampler!)

Here is a few pictures of students using them this year as we embarked on our interactive notebook journey! 

The last week of school they took them home and had a years worth of work all bundled in one!
AND boy were they FAT!

They fell so in love with them, that I wound up making sets for all the seasons and holidays!

And I recently just bundled them all for savings!
You get all 8 packs for $30...bought separately it would be $43.50!

So have fun trying out the sampler and enjoy the rest of the marked down goodies your find on the linky!
Until next post,
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1 comment:

  1. I was investing a ton of time making my content into Markdown files, recently discovered INK for All’s Jekyll compatible export capability|I used to spend an insane amount of time making content for our site into Markdown docs. Excited I found out about Ink for all’s Markdown export feature. Such a time-saver
