Do you know this amazing winter story?
I was introduced to it last year when I read this blog post on The Primary Pack by Kristen from Loving Teaching Inspiring.
It is actually one of the top visited blog posts on The Primary Pack!
I had never heard of the story but the project looked super cute!
Unfortunately due to so many snow days last year I never got to do it- HOW IRONIC!!
So this year I was determined to include it in my plans!
So this past week we read the story and used it as a springboard for discussions about items that are hot and cold.
We talked about what melts snowmen (things that are hot) and what would be good for a snowman (things that are cold).
We spend 20 minutes at the beginning of our writing block each day engaging in interactive writing. We are also working on making lists, so we made interactive writing lists this week that were inspired by this book!
Although I loved the idea of the puffy paint for the melted snowman, we simply did not have the time to fit it in, so I opted for construction paper projects.
I showed them how to make a 'melted snowman' and we talked about all the different things a snowman has and would be found in his/her 'melted puddle'
Then I let them get to work!
While they were constructing their snowmen, I walked around and assisted each child as they wrote what melted their snowman (I reminded them to use spacing, a period and helped them stretch out the words).
[I wrote their translations on the bottom after they left for the day]
Here are a few of our creations and ideas:
Some of the ideas were inspired by the story, others from our interactive writing lists and others were unique and new!
Look at how ADORABLE our display is:
You can find this printable from Loving, Teaching, Inspiring here:
and be sure to check out all her pictures and how-to on this blog post!
Don't forget to check out the Penguin Palooza that is going on Jan 14-19th!
Click for more info:
Until next post,

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